The kid on the cover looks like he has just seen a new bike under the Christmas tree. In fact, that kid turned 65 this year, as did many first wave Baby Boomers. Demographers say that by 2030, one in five Americans will be over the age of 65.
The Governing eBook, Governing Generations: An Earth Shattering Ka-Boom tells the story of baby boomers aging in place and what that means for states and localities. The eBook captures Governing's original reporting this year on the ways in which our aging population will change our communities and our country.
And it is available fast and free for the eReader user on your list. Available for no-hassle download through Governing books.
The Governing eBook, Governing Generations: An Earth Shattering Ka-Boom tells the story of baby boomers aging in place and what that means for states and localities. The eBook captures Governing's original reporting this year on the ways in which our aging population will change our communities and our country.
And it is available fast and free for the eReader user on your list. Available for no-hassle download through Governing books.